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PBIPOA has hired a company to help reduce the damage and droppings left behind by iguanas living
behind the sea walls and in the backyards of the community. The company generally concentrates on
removing them from hotspots along the canals, by the front entrances, and in the yards of interior lots
who have made the request below. They target these problem areas, set traps and fill iguana holes. If
you would like to request that the service stop by your house, please follow the instructions below:
1) Log into your PayHOA    
2) Click the “Maintenance Request” link above your address
4) Fill in the MESSAGE: Please include any information regarding where the iguana is usually
located and any additional information that may help
5) Upload any Pictures if you have any, but this is not required
6) Click “Create Maintenance Request”
You will receive a copy of the email request (please check your SPAM folder if you did not receive one).
You can also follow the status of the request by logging into PayHOA.



NOTE: If you do not want the company to come to your house, please follow the same process above,

but use the following TITLE:

2018-palm beach isles poa

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